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The Dartigalongue family carefully selects its white Eaux-de-vies made from the white wines of three varieties- Ugn i Blanc (for the fruit) – Baco 22A (speciic to AOC Armagnac – for the structure) and Folle Blanche (for the inesse).

The Eaux-de-vies are from the Bas Armagnac te rroir, with its silty and sandy soils that are reputed for giving ine and elegant Armagnacs. Disti ll ation takes place in an alambic with plates, a continuous di st i ll ation at a low degree of alcoho l that is characteri st ic of the traditional Armagnac distillation in order to reta in the maximum aromas and complexity. The oak barrels used for ageing the eau-de-vie are bought from local coopers and are mostly made from Gascon oak – southwest. These barrels contribute to the generous and gourmet taste of the Armagnac.

The goal of this careful and precise ageing is to permeate the Dartiga longue Armagnacs with the family-style that can be summed up in two words : freshness and full flavoured.





Bas Armagnac



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